Line graph with different percentages of methylation on chromosomes for different disease types
Through the line graph, the author showed that different types of prostate cancer have different methylation patterns. On ChrX, the degree of methylation of the androgen enhancer, the transcription start site of the androgen receptor and the transcription terminator are all different.
Mean percentage of methylation across the AR locus for benign prostate (n= 4), localized PCa (n= 5), mCRPC adenocarcinoma (n= 95) and t-SCNC samples (n= 5). Vertical black dashed lines show the location of the previously identified AR enhancer17. The vertical green and red dashed lines show the TSS and transcriptional terminator of the androgen receptor, respectively
Code explanation
Read in data, data processing
# Helper function
extract_metadata = function(fname) {
retval = list()
retval$ensembl_name = strsplit(fname, '_')[[1]][1]
retval$hgnc_name = strsplit(fname, '_')[[1]][2]
retval$chr = strsplit(fname, '_')[[1]][3]
retval$start = strsplit(fname, '_')[[1]][4]
retval$end = strsplit(fname, '_')[[1]][5]
retval$strand = substr(strsplit(fname, '_')[[1]][6],1,1)
# Paths and sample annotations
incl.nls = TRUE
region.opts = c('full', 'upstream', 'promoter', 'body', 'downstream')
curdate = '2019-08-21'
tscnc_pids = c('DTB.003.BL','DTB.036.BL', 'DTB.040.BL', 'DTB.135.PRO', 'DTB.205.BL')
# Get patient identifiers
benign_pids = c('Bis159AT', 'Bis165AT', 'Bis171AT', 'Bis49AT')
localized_pids = c('Bis158T', 'Bis159T', 'Bis165T', 'Bis171T', 'Bis49T')
# Perform analysis
# Set directory to be where gene-level correlation files are
# Zoomed out AR file
# Methylation data for subset of important genes
filenames = 'ENSG00000169083.16_AR_chrX_67544032_67730619_+.txt'
fn_wide_normal = paste(dir_normal_wide_slice, filenames[1], sep='/')
fn_wide_mcrpc = paste(dir_mcrpc_wide_slice, filenames[1], sep='/')
cur_region = region.opts[1]
################### = read.delim(file=fn_wide_mcrpc, sep='\t', header=T, stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames([1] = 'POS' = extract_metadata(filenames[1])
# Plot normals alongside methylation
if(incl.nls) { = read.delim(file=fn_wide_normal, sep='\t', header=T, stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames( = sapply(colnames(, function(x) {
strsplit(x, '_')[[1]][1]
colnames([1] = 'POS'
benign_idx = which(colnames( %in% benign_pids)
localized_idx = which(colnames( %in% localized_pids)
# Special upstream/downstream window for AR, Adjust the display range of AR gene upstream and downstream
if($hgnc_name %in% c('AR', 'ROBO2')) { =[$POS >= as.numeric($start) - 2000000 &$POS <= as.numeric($end) + 800000,]
if(incl.nls) { =[$POS >= as.numeric($start) - 2000000 &$POS <= as.numeric($end) + 800000,]
stopifnot($strand %in% c('+', '-'))
# Change the start and end positions of the gene to be marked from small to large according to the transcription direction
if($strand == '+') {
gene_start = as.numeric($start)
gene_end = as.numeric($end)
} else {
gene_start = as.numeric($end) #
gene_end = as.numeric($start)
minpos.x = min($POS)
maxpos.x = max($POS)
Calculate the methylation of each position in groups
# Get mean methylation value for all tumors at each genomic coordinate
# Divide into t-SCNC and non-tscnc
tscnc_idx = match(tscnc_pids, colnames(
tscnc_idx = tscnc_idx[!]
adeno_idx = setdiff(2:101, tscnc_idx)
group1.means = apply([,tscnc_idx], 1, mean, na.rm=T)
group2.means = apply([,adeno_idx], 1, mean, na.rm=T) =$POS, methyl.pct=group1.means) =$POS, methyl.pct=group2.means)
# include benign prostate and localized PCa
if(incl.nls) {
group3.means = apply([,localized_idx], 1, mean, na.rm=T) =$POS, methyl.pct=group3.means)
group4.means = apply([,benign_idx], 1, mean, na.rm=T) =$POS, methyl.pct=group4.means)
linecols = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,'Blues'))(12)
cur.cmap = linecols[c(5,7,9,11)]
names(cur.cmap) = c("Benign Prostate", "Localized PCa", "mCRPC Adeno", 't-SCNC')
plot figure
# Draw splines, geom_smooth画出几条线条
cur.methylplot = ggplot(, aes(x=POS, y=methyl.pct, color='grey')) +
labs(x="", y = "", color = "Methylation value") +
ylim(0, 100) +
labs(x="Genomic coordinate", y = "Methylation percent (%)") +
# Draw smoothed fit on average
geom_smooth(, method='loess', span=0.1, se=F, n=80, fill='grey20', aes(colour="t-SCNC")) + #n= window size (default 80), span = jaggedness
geom_smooth(, method='loess', span=0.1, se=F, n=80, fill='grey20', aes(colour="mCRPC Adeno")) +
geom_smooth(, method='loess', span=0.1, se=F, n=80, fill='grey20', aes(colour="Localized PCa")) +
geom_smooth(, method='loess', span=0.1, se=F, n=80, fill='grey20', aes(colour="Benign Prostate")) +
scale_colour_manual(name="Sample type",breaks=c("Benign Prostate", "Localized PCa", "mCRPC Adeno", 't-SCNC'), values=cur.cmap) +
theme_classic() +
theme(axis.title.y=element_text(size=8.5), axis.text.y=element_text(size=9.5), legend.position="bottom")
# Mark promoter, geom_vline Add vertical line marker
if(cur_region %in% c('promoter', 'body', 'upstream', 'full')) {
cur.methylplot = cur.methylplot + geom_vline(xintercept=gene_start, colour='green', linetype = "dashed")
# Mark terminator
if(cur_region %in% c('body', 'downstream', 'full')) {
cur.methylplot = cur.methylplot + geom_vline(xintercept=gene_end, colour='red', linetype = "dashed")
# Plot AR enhancer (coordinates from Viswanathan et al, Suppl. Table 7)
# hg19 coordinates reported were 66115000-66130000; hg38 coordinates from Liftover = 66895158-66910158
if($hgnc_name == 'AR' && cur_region %in% c('body', 'upstream', 'full')) {
cur.methylplot = cur.methylplot + geom_vline(xintercept=66895158, colour='black', linetype = "dashed")
cur.methylplot = cur.methylplot + geom_vline(xintercept=66910158, colour='black', linetype = "dashed")
# Save plot
ggsave(filename=fn_figure2b, plot=cur.methylplot, width=10, height=5)
Zhao S G , Chen W S , Li H , et al. The DNA methylation landscape of advanced prostate cancer[J]. Nature Genetics, 2020.
Original code