Introduction H5ad files were uploaded as available data in some paper of scRNA. But I always analysis scRNA data by
Introduction Somethimes we need to transform gene ID of MicroArray data to gene symbol. For example, "AFFX-LysX-3_at", we don’t known
Introduction RUVseq can conduct a differential expression (DE) analysis that controls for “unwanted variation”, e.g., batch, library preparation, and other
Introduction Somethimes we need to replace multiple contents of vector in R , like I want to replace a to
Introduction Keras can now be called directly in tensorflow, because of the existence of the high-level API of keras, the
Introduction The bedgraph graph can be displayed using the plotBedgraph function of the Sushi package. However, we sometimes need to
Introduction The plotGenes of the Sushi package can plot gene structures, such as the visualization of several transcriptome structures. Code
Introduction The Manhattan chart can display the values of regions on multiple chromosomes. You can use the plotManhattan of the
Introduction The bed format is a common format for describing genomic regions. The area can be visualized through the plotBed