Introduction Show that different factors (age, smoking, treatment) have an impact on clonal hematopoiesis Code explanation Load the required tool
Introduction Show the mutation signal of a sample Code explanation Load the package, read in the library(MutationalPatterns) nhdp <- readRDS(‘mousesignatures_norm.rds’
Introduction Use GenVisR package to draw heat map of driver mutation Code explanation Load the package, read in the data
Introduction View local motifs through sequence logo Code explanation Load the package, read in the data library(MutationalPatterns) library(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10) library(ggseqlogo) library(gridExtra)
Introduction Through mouse models of carcinogenesis in different environments, it is found that tumors caused by different chemical exposures have
Introduction Keras can now be called directly in tensorflow, because of the existence of the high-level API of keras, the
Introducion Because downloading data using conda is sometimes very slow due to network problems, I back up the conda environment,
Introduction Sometimes downloading the R package is very slow because of network problems, so I package the R package in
Introduction The bedgraph graph can be displayed using the plotBedgraph function of the Sushi package. However, we sometimes need to
Introduction The plotGenes of the Sushi package can plot gene structures, such as the visualization of several transcriptome structures. Code